yakuza detailing

Gold Coast’s Premium Mobile Car Detailing & Washing Services

We are Gold Coast’s car Detailing Specialists

Yakuza Detailing are Gold Coast’s specialists in mobile car detailing and washing. Our ingrained passion for all things automotive is what fuels our dedication to detailing. We use only the finest quality products to deliver the highest standard every time.

Our full range of car washing and detailing services ensure we can cater to any vehicle no matter the age or condition. Whether it’s your daily drive in need of regular maintenance, or new car paint protection, we are your go-to for all washing and detailing services.


Yakuza Detailing are trained and authorised by SONAX, German-made and internationally recognised for their premium and environmentally friendly detailing products. We apply the learned techniques to an exacting standard with the reassurance of SONAX warranty coverage on all of their product applications.

Ready to transform your car?

Book a package and experience the difference that true professionalism and expertise makes